More Eden Projects

Aside from the obvious with Chronicles of Eden S2. Act II, a few other Chronicles of Eden projects are in the works or are happening right now as you read this. What am I talking about you may ask? Here’s what’s in my work queue right now and what readers can look forward to seeing in the not-to-distant future.

1. A Chronicles of Eden Card Game is being designed! Right now it’s going through that whole, “Design a functioning game first before mass production” phase, but it’s coming along very smoothly so far. Not sure if I’ll opt for a video game variant or a physical card game to order, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now, the game is focusing on letting players step into the shoes of Daniel Sorres while collecting beautiful harem members, searching for the Key Fragments to trigger the final boss (The Gemini), and even face off against Daemon and his own growing harem to decide how the final battle will take place. And yes, the game is designed for one person to play solo, but that’s not so bad considering all the lovely girls you’ll have fighting by your side during it.


2. Alyssa’s Origin Comic is on the table to be drawn by the Season I artist Nuciferyne. So how is it going to be accessed by readers? By charging $100 on Amazon for a paperback version only and- lol, nah, just kidding. It’s going to be free for readers! Hooray! The comic will be posted on my social media as pages are completed. However, Patreon supporters will have early access to the pages before they go live. More details on this once it’s ready to launch.


3. Vale’s Tales. Yes, that’s right. Vale’s Tales. What’s that? Why, it’s tales told by Vale of course. Or more specifically, another comic that’s going to be posted in the same manner as Alyssa’s Origin Comic. Only this one isn’t about just Alyssa. This will be a collection of short shorts, or tales if you will, about random everyday antics of the story’s cast. Some will be canon, some will be what-if scenarios, some will be quite spicy and saucy to read, while others will be made to simply make you laugh out loud. And some might do all of the above. Who knows, except perhaps Vale herself. The comic will be free for public viewing, with Patreon supporters being given first look at the pages before they’re released. If you’re interested in reading it, then you’ll be happy to know the first four pages were posted today! Check them out -> CLICK HERE!


4. Boxed sets. In case you missed the news, I covered it all in my previous post HERE. In short, a Season 1 Collection for Chronicles of Eden is now available for digital download, and a Box Set 3 is in the works to follow up the previous two that have been released.

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