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Chronicles of Eden

After writing fanfictions and small short stories for a few years I decided to make a complete book, a series even, with a brand new world and characters to meet. This gave birth to Chronicles of Eden, which became my first official publication online as an e-book. Using all I learned and the style of writing I defined during the time creating my other works, I put together the novel that I had wanted to bring to life for quite some time. The book strays close to the line of being like an anime/manga, with its harem-style drama and being overly dramatic for the sake of humor in some parts, and is of course intended only for mature readers as it contains explicit sexual content.

The story takes place in the world of Eden, a world where monsters roam the lands. However these monsters are all female, there aren’t any male monsters born into the world. As such, these darker creatures are in need of others to breed with, which means those from mankind. In a medieval world of magic and danger the roles have become reversed, with the women taking up the blade to protect their men from the lustful monsters that seek to take away a mate by force, while the men try not to be taken away and raped. Monsters are considered the ultimate evil in the world and are hated by all of mankind, except for one. There is one human, Daniel Sorres, who believes that not all of these darker creatures are truly evil and malicious. Sure, many would rape a man to death while slaughtering all the women that got in their way, but Daniel holds onto his belief that some monsters can control their inner nature, and possibly be allies to mankind. With war between neighboring human civilizations and the threat of the true ‘Darker Ones’ of Eden, mankind needs all the help they can get to survive in this world, and certain monsters may be the key. Armed with only his knowledge and accompanied by his childhood friend, Triska Raylight, they will set out on a journey to find and hopefully persuade monsters to give peace a chance, to band together and help each other prosper, and hopefully put a stop to the endless conflict in their world.

The books are written to play out as if watching a harem/adventure anime from Japan with a western dialect, with it having many influences and references to various manga and anime series of similar genres.

Although the concept of all the monstergirls in the world being horny and wanting to have sex with men is a driving factor the story doesn’t act like a simple porno or smut book just for the sake of showing the monsters behaving as such. Instead it focuses on character and world development while throwing in risque and graphic scenes when needed. Daniel Sorres’ quest in Eden to recruit peaceful monsters in an effort to bring peace between the races acts as the main plot while different sub-plots and character arcs intertwine with his journey to provide broader world building, new and unexpected twists, and steady character development with the heroes, anti-heroes, villains, and everyone in between that play some role in the overall story. The series itself is extremely long and paces itself nicely with multiple villains to overcome and challenges to face for the heroes, with several spin-off books currently being planned to further develop backstories to certain characters while also revealing more of the world that hasn’t been seen by the readers yet.

The books are available in e-book and paperback format only on Amazon, book catalog can be found here.

For more information about the books, visit the official Chronicles of Eden Website by clicking the picture link below.

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