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I’m still alive!

Sorry for the long wait between updates. Real life has been taking up way too much of my time. I mean, don’t even get me started on my anime and gaming backlog (it pains me to think about it). But I’m still alive and kicking, and yes, I have been using whatever time I can find to get the next book written and published. I know everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for the next book to drop, and for that I am so sorry. It is not my intention to keep the readers of the story waiting this long. I’m doing my best to get the story done and out to everyone as fast as I’m able.

For now, as a reward for waiting so patiently, I’ve decided to release a special illustration early. It was originally going to be posted after the next book as a teaser of what’s to come in Season II, but it looks so badass and I haven’t posted anything in so long, I just can’t wait any longer. So with that, please check out the latest addition to the art gallery, The Five Ant Girls. And yes, this scene is going to be canon in the future.

I’ll try to post more updates soon, and just know that aside from the book release, I have a few other goodies lined up to be released along with it. There’s going to be a whole lot more of Eden coming out. Hopefully it will all be worth the wait to everyone. For now, it’s back to the grind. Until next time!

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