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Three Eden Releases Coming Very Soon

Yes, you read that right. A triple-release is being set for Chronicles of Eden, and if all goes as planned it should be happening this month! The first is, of course, the starting book of Season II, which is set to start three days after the fall of Green Haven. Daniel and Daemon have been busy, and much more is swiftly coming their way as they deal with the fallout of the battle, meeting new friends and enemies, and discover startling surprises that will change everything for them. The book is being planned for both digital and colored paperback release on Amazon.

The second is, as expected, the Season I Artbook, which will include all book art from the first 12 books, first-time appearances of previously encountered characters such as Triska’s mother and Queen Victoria, and tons of extras all packed into it. The book will be available in colored paperback only on Amazon.

The third is a Chronicles of Eden – Poster Book, which is being specifically designed to showcase all the high quality art prints and character illustrations that I’ve had done for the series over the years. All the remarkably drawn art pieces will be available in a high quality along with detailed descriptions about how they came to be in this illustration book and is sure to be a must have for any Chronicles of Eden reader. The book will be available in colored paperback only on Amazon.

All three of these releases are set to be the first publications of 2019 and are nearing completion as we speak. The first book of the season is going through its final checkup while the last of the artwork for all the books is being finalized, so expect to see a huge release notification very soon.

Also just as a reminder, if you’re a huge fan of the series and like what you see and read, I invite you to check out my Patreon from this link. Not only do subscribers get early access to upcoming illustrations and even full chapters of the books I’m working on, but high-tier subscribers also get their names mentioned in dedication pages of all the books I publish. So if you want to have your name added to the list then I encourage you to sign-up and reap all the benefits of my patron subscribers, as well as become part of the very story we all love.

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