Preparing Store Pages

Two of the three books for Chronicles of Eden are almost ready for release, and so I’m currently getting the store pages ready on Amazon so readers can grab them as fast as possible. Two things to note that I’ve had to change about the upcoming artbooks for certain reasons:

  • The Keys to Eden illustrations won’t make it into the current Season 1 Artbook due to certain constrictions and deadlines, so those will be posted on my websites when they are completed. Aside from that minor detail, the Season 1 Artbook is preparing for launch with all other content ready to go!
  • The Poster Book has been appropriately renamed to Illustration Book, as Amazon won’t allow me to print colored books of Poster-sized images as that’s simply too big for what they offer. So this collection will be close to the current book sizes of the series.

Just wanted to be transparent about those changes with everyone so nobody feels they were cheated or misled with the publications. Both of these collections are almost ready for purchase, so expect to see an update very soon with links to the store pages!

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